søndag den 25. december 2011

Hey all

Hey all

I have just returned from town with my lovely friends.

As most know, it was Christmas Eve yesterday. It was a really nice day. One of there reasons was probably, because I got some great gifts from my family. I got for example a new bag, perfume, watch,and not least, a PlayStation 3. I am very happy for my gifts, and ofcourse I thanked my incredible family.

Something else that made the day special, was not least the food. My mom and her sister spent all day in the kitchen and it was all worth it. They made the best duck, with the best potatoes and gravy. So it was a really nice day. But I must also remember that I should not eat too much, because I am going back on the training ground again, and you can not manage if you have consumed too much food, and are out of shape. But it is probably okay, christmas it only once at year, right?.

Did your guys had a nice day, please vote at right corn.

I wish I all a Merry Christmas, or in Spanish Feliz Navidad, and Happy New Year.

- Regards Alvaro

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